Il-ftehim dwar il-Pjan ta' Azzjoni Komprensiv Konġunt (PAKK) jiżgura li l-programm nukleari tal-Iran ikun esklużivament paċifiku. Huwa jistabbilixxi l-iskeda ta' żmien u l-arranġamenti biex jitneħħew ...
Press briefings ahead of the upcoming Economic and Financial Affairs Council of 10 December 2024 and the Justice and Home Affairs Council of 12 and 13 December 2024 will take place on 6 December 2024 ...
The Council reached a provisional agreement with the European Parliament on a proposed targeted amendment of the EU deforestation regulation, postponing its date of application by 12 months.
Käytämme evästeitä käyttökokemuksesi parantamiseen neuvoston verkkosivuilla. Tietyillä evästeillä saadaan yhdistettyjä tilastoja verkkovierailuista, jotta voimme jatkuvasti parantaa sivustoa ja ...
While the full extent of the health impact of second-hand aerosols emitted by heated tobacco products is not yet clear, research suggests potential harm, particularly to heart and lung health, ...
The Council has approved conclusions on improving cardiovascular health and combating cardiovascular diseases through prevention, early detection, treatment and rehabilitation.
The Council has adopted a non-binding recommendation that will encourage member states to reduce exposure to second-hand smoke and aerosols and achieve a tobacco-free generation in Europe by 2040 as ...
The press briefing ahead of the Eurogroup meeting will take place on Thursday, 5 December at 15.00. The briefing will be "off the record" and will be given by Tuomas Saarenheimo, President of the ...
What is the role of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy? Who is the current EU High ...
The Council has approved conclusions on fostering the social inclusion of persons with disabilities through employment, reasonable accommodation and rehabilitation.
What is the role of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy? Who is the current EU High ...
The Council has approved conclusions on labour and skills shortages in the EU with a focus on mobilising untapped labour potential.