Aman Gupta first offered Rs 1 crore for 5% equity. Kunal also offered Rs 4 crore for 20% and Anupam Mittal also matched Kunal’s offer. Vineeta offered Rs 50 lakh in exchange of 2.5% equity and Peyush ...
Sahil goes on to tell sharks Vineeta Singh and Kunal Bahl that he is also a fellow graduate of Delhi Public School, RK Puram.
The healthy food brand, The Naturik Co, which specialises in chilla batters and sprouts, sought Rs 50 lakh for 2% equity, confident that their nutritious, time-saving products could capture the ...
Sahil and Isha pitched The Naturik Co on Shark Tank India, seeking Rs 50 lakh for 2% equity. They secured a Rs 4 crore deal ...
The latest episode of 'Shark Tank India 4' saw an interesting pitch by a healthy breakfast brand The Naturik Co.
Peyush Bansal appeared to take offence when a trio of pitchers axed him out of negotiations, while Aman Gupta had a chuckle.
Sahil and Isha’s pitch for a healthy, convenient breakfast solution impressed the sharks with its taste and nutritional value ...