Mauritius is an island country in the Indian Ocean, known for its stunning white beaches, clear blue waters and lush greenery ...
If there was a contest for the most interesting moon in our solar system, Callisto would be a contender. Jupiter's ...
New research shows that whales move nutrients thousands of miles—in their pee and poop—from as far as Alaska to Hawaii, ...
Spring in Central California is expected to be cool and wet with storms arriving in March and early April, according to David ...
The project for the Topsail Island town, funded via state and local sources, is using sand dredged from Banks Channel to ...
With summer approaching and water usage expected to rise, the Sunnyside City Council has declared a state of emergency to ...
State officials have wrestled with the sea’s deteriorating condition as its water becomes fouler and its footprint shrinks, ...
Tired of scraping ice off your windshield and bundling up in layers? Winter doesn’t have to mean freezing temperatures. If ...
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) - Warm sunshine for the start of our week will give way to cooler and more unsettled weather late this week.
University of Miami researchers with the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science say great whites are like ...
Expect golden sunshine, completely dry weather, and relatively light winds (compared the past few days) throughout Monday.
We kicked off February’s Best of South Florida Dining series by asking for readers’ top spots for waterfront dining in Palm ...