In 2023, nearly 29,000 households scattered across rural Nebraska received postcards instructing them how to get their drinking water tested, free of charge, for a harmful contaminant state policymake ...
For nearly 100 years, the former Exide plant melted lead-acid car batteries that polluted properties in the mostly Latino ...
Water will be a major issue for Texas for years to come. Texas 2036 has made 3 recommendations the Legislature would do well ...
The bill would cut "unnecessary red tape" for the coal mining industry if it becomes law, but it first must pass the House.
Republicans in the Senate advanced a bill that would limit state regulation of water pollution to a weakened federal standard ...
The latest Groundwater Explorer release is here. New features include updated bore and log data from the National Groundwater Information System (NGIS) with over 19,400 additional bores, groundwater ...
Senate Bill 89 is sponsored by Senator Scott Madon. The bill updates Kentucky’s environmental laws to provide a more precise definition of “waters to the Commonwealth.” It is meant to ensure ...