Regardless of the family situation, it is advisable to enroll the child on the Vitale card of the 2 parents in order to facilitate reimbursement following a medical consultation. How do I attach ...
The Public Service Housing Portal opened in late 2024 and will grow throughout 2025. This interdepartmental information site dedicated to the agents of the three public services aims to facilitate ...
January 25 is National Day Against Sexism. It comes as the latest report of the High Council for Gender Equality on the state of sexism in France is published. The Ministry of the Interior ...
As a tenant, rent maps let you know if yours is in the average depending on the surface area of the property. As a landlord offering to rent a house or an apartment, these maps are additional ...
An employer who does not take the necessary measures to protect his employee from a danger to which he is exposed is guilty of inexcusable misconduct. This is what the Court of Cassation said in a ...
You must assert your rights in court but you do not have the necessary financial resources? You can apply for legal aid. The State pays all or part of your legal costs and your lawyer's fees if ...
The seasonal influenza vaccination campaign is being extended until February 28, 2025. This decision by the health authorities comes in a context of high circulation of the various respiratory ...
Le gouvernement a décidé d’augmenter en 2025 le plafond légal de la taxe régionale de la carte grise : ce plafond passe de 60 € à 65 € par cheval fiscal.
C'est dans ce contexte que le ministère de l'Intérieur a décidé de proposer un guichet unique pour les victimes d'infractions ...
Mentalo est une application qui permet de participer à une étude d'envergure sur la santé mentale des jeunes de 11 à 24 ans.
Les infirmiers en pratique avancée (IPA) participent à la prise en charge globale de patients ; ils soutiennent les médecins ...
En France, l'eau du robinet fait l'objet d'un suivi sanitaire permanent par les agences régionales de santé (ARS). Il est possible de visualiser les résultats des contrôles sanitaires grâce à un outil ...