The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department says it is working with insurance adjusters to check the 89 vehicles that are ...
Contaminated sites near Detroit water main break were not flooded, officials say. Experts suggest precautionary monitoring.
Tonight on DER, we share the latest news on cleanup efforts in Southwest Detroit after the water main break; special events ...
It's been more than three weeks since a water main break in Southwest Detroit flooded hundreds of homes. Mayor Mike Duggan ...
City officials provided an update on recovery efforts for the Southwest Detroit neighborhood that flooded from a water main ...
More and more people are having their houses repaired following that massive water main break that flooded a large potion of ...
On the day a water main break sent icy torrents into hundreds of southwest Detroit homes, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan made a ...
Repairs, cleanup and water use hints remain in the headlines after a series of water main breaks in Southeast Michigan.
Hundreds of homes were flooded after a 54-inch water main break on Feb. 17. City officials say they're trying to get ...
Repairs and restoration of utility service continue in a Detroit neighborhood flooded during a water main break.
WATCH: DWSD provides update on cleanup after water main break floods SW Detroit homes ...
The massive 54-inch water main that broke open last month in Southwest Detroit has been repaired as authorities work to restore water and repair affected homes.