Across the US, drug-testing of pregnant patients is routine, hospital error is common—and innocent mothers face punishment ...
Pregnancy takes a toll on the body beyond the obvious. New research links childbirth to accelerated biological aging, ...
Pregnancy and childbirth bring significant changes to the body making the journey back to fitness a challenge Read on how new ...
Mothers were reported after they were given medications used routinely for pain or in epidurals, to reduce anxiety or to ...
There has been a shocking increase in women dying during or shortly after pregnancy and babies dying within 28 days of being ...
A doula is a non-medical professional who provides support with information preparedness, guidance, companionship and coaching during and after a pregnancy. Pimienta is Colombian, and her husband ...
The country's hot Tauihi women's basketball league reaches its semifinals this weekend, and Mikhaela Cann has been pivotal of ...
The relationship between mothers-in-law and their daughters-in-law is often a very difficult one! When it's good, it can be ...
Across the United States, hospitals are dispensing medications to patients in labor, only to report them to child welfare authorities when they or their newborns test positive for those very same ...
Research shows they are key to better health outcomes. Several efforts, including the city’s first doula support center, are ...
Malaysian actress Sora Ma has revealed a personal tragedy. The 40-year-old, who is based in Singapore, shared with fans over ...
As with her co-star, Pugh found the head-shaving scene to be a "huge privilege" and wasn't "intimidated" by it. Instead, it ...