Beneath the gloomy seas off southern England, 400 million mussels encrust ropes hanging from buoys dotted over an area the size of the country's biggest airport.
He unveiled the Trump administration’s widely anticipated assault on regulation on all fronts at once, announcing 31 separate actions to roll back restrictions on air and water pollution, hand over ...
Congress has never given the EPA explicit instruction to cut greenhouse gases from power plants or motor vehicles, but the agency has relied on the power it was given in the 1970 Clean Air Act to set ...
As Zeldin's EPA announced reconsideration of these standards, it released a statement saying, the regulations imposed, "$700 ...
He unveiled the Trump administration’s widely anticipated assault on regulation on all fronts at once, announcing 31 separate ...
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lee Zeldin on Wednesday announced nearly three dozen deregulatory moves that he said would spur the U.S. economy by rolling back rules that have ...
Some worry a U.S. Supreme Court decision could make Charleston's local waterbodies more vulnerable to fecal contamination, a ...
An influx of salt from both land and sea and a warming world are condemning the world's rivers, streams and estuaries to a ...
It's not true that the mussels automatically shut off the city's water supply. When the mussels' shell movements trigger an ...
State lawmakers are proposing new limits on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in tap water as questions emerge about the ...