Three Bergen County municipalities have signed an agreement with the state DEP to reduce sewer discharges into the Hackensack ...
The agency should clarify how states can use infrastructure law dollars aimed at reducing water pollution, the inspector ...
Despite freshwater’s critical role in the global economy, 80% of the world’s untreated wastewater is released into rivers, ...
Discover practical lifestyle modifications to reduce exposure to harmful carcinogens found in air, water, food, and personal ...
Water pollution is a pressing global issue, causing millions of deaths and economic losses annually. The 2030 Water Resources ...
The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy was updated and IDALs announced a precision ag-tool to optimize nitrogen application.
Officials agree that stemming nitrogen pollution’s impact on the Buzzards Bay watershed is an expensive proposition. But ...
Water is the hidden ingredient in many products and production processes, but it is taking an increasingly central role as ...
The bioplastics company, with an office in Shelton, collaborated with a UConn marine sciences team to evaluate the product’s ...
South Carolina cities and counties can and should regulate the siting and maintenance of future septic tanks, which can cause water pollution even if maintained ...
Agricultural runoff is a persistent challenge to water quality in the Upper Midwest. To better understand how state-led policies address this issue, students Meghan Anderson and Taylor Hohensee in the ...