Protected areas in tropical forests may not be enough on their own to safeguard local mammal species, especially when there are human settlements nearby, a new study finds. “Wherever human press ...
Marine Lines Fire: A massive fire broke out in a building opposite the Gol Masjid Metro Cinema in the Marine Lines area of Mumbai, Maharashtra, on Saturday afternoon. So far, no injury has been ...
Being tiny mammals with warm blood ... and fortunately there are simple ways to help them thrive in your local area. Bat Conservation Ireland has published a series of short videos and tips ...
If you liked this story, share it with other people. In 2019, French fashion house Chanel sought to obtain responsibly sourced gold from artisanal miners in Madagascar — who happened to operate ...
Adult California sea lion females have tan fur, while males have dark brown fur. Females grow to a maximum length of 6.5 feet (2 m) and weigh 242.5 pounds (110 kg) on average. Males are three to four ...
Kelowna philanthropist Colin Pritchard has partnered with the BC Parks Foundation to help create a new protected area along Okanagan Lake. His donation was pivotal in purchasing 117 hectares of ...
(FOX26) — The carcass of a pygmy sperm whale washed up on Pismo State Beach on Friday. About 20 researchers, staff, and volunteers from The Marine Mammal Center and the Channel Islands Cetacean ...
BILOXI, Miss. (WLOX) - The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies (IMMS) released three rehabbed Kemp’s ridley sea turtles back into the Mississippi Sound on Monday. The turtles were rescued in ...
Potential areas of research include bioacoustic research to investigate how underwater noise pollution impacts marine mammals, genetic research to identify movement patterns and the genetic ...
IUCN Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force, highlights the vital role whales play in maintaining healthy ocean ecosystems and combating climate change. “Whales are like ecosystem engineers ...
New legislation has presented a mandate to establish an ambitious network of marine protected areas (MPAs) unlike anywhere else in the world. The goal is to craft strategic protections to safeguard ...