The Dayton Dragons announced Thursday it had been acquired by Diamond Baseball Holdings, an organization that owns and operates over 40 Minor League Baseball (MiLB) ...
Developer Vivian Dimond took over the stalled condo building in North Bay Village, a 15-story shell on Harbor Island, The ...
The project that started in early 2021 was delayed by COVID-19 and hurricanes. FDOT has promised a completed project this ...
City Councilman John Goncalves said the project will bring additional housing and retail options to the city.
Dr. George Kikano, the dean of the Central Michigan University College of Medicine, will resign after 10 years at the ...
The proposed center would be called the Pauley Heart Center Pavilion and would take on at least part of the former longtime ...
A Washington, D.C.-area developer wants to build an apartment tower in Alexandria, Va., that could ultimately become the city ...
Executives largely brushed off tariff and policy concerns on their latest round of earnings calls.
Zidell Yards is surrounded by OHSU medical buildings, as well as the aerial tram's south terminal, which serves an estimated ...