The Bad Actor Bill (SF1744/HF1197) ensures companies with histories of corruption or environmental destruction are banned ...
Local governments around Minnesota are working to plug budget holes after President Donald Trump signed a funding bill that ...
A day long meeting in Rochester covered the latest nitrogen management research, along with existing and future policy ...
The Environmental Protection Agency is reviewing regulatory changes the Biden administration made that broadened the definition of “waters of the United States,” or WOTUS, expanding the ...
Though marijuana bong water cannot induce a high, a Minnesota Supreme Court decision in 2009 classified bong water as a controlled substance, based on a case involving methamphetamine. Meth ...
The organizational session was a pivotal step towards collective action ... water has been undervalued, underfunded, and underprioritized, stating that, “2.2 billion people still lack access to ...
Grounded in faith, the book weaves together stories about Flowers’ family, climate change and her work on sanitation rights ...
The 60th annual Award of Excellence celebration will take place in New York City, March 27, 2025. Three award programs will be wrapped into one exciting day, recognizing the 2024 Best of the Best ...
She graduated from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (Go Gophs!) and interned at WCCO during her time there. A group of south Minneapolis renters are demanding action from their building's ...
Braham City Council moved forward on the first phase of its project involving water treatments for the city at its meeting held Tuesday, March 4.
Brancaccio: Now, if you find you have a racial covenant in the deed on the house that you’re interested in buying or the house you already bought, in Minnesota, among other places, you can apply ...
Capitalism is meant to push society forward. It was not built to just accept the first product that completes a goal, ...