Michael Strahan is opening up about what it felt like for him as a parent when he learned his daughter had brain cancer. Strahan learned in October 2023 that his then-19-year-old daughter Isabella Strahan had been diagnosed with medulloblastoma,
The cost of cancer may be higher than previously estimated, according to a recent report from the American Cancer Society.
Mom of 3 Molly Pardue was diagnosed with cervical cancer after demanding a pap smear — and underwent chemotherapy and other treatments before she would have even been due for her next test.
Some oncologists suggest that, for certain early cancers not at risk of spreading, the term “cancer” should be avoided.
After a bad relationship and a cancer journey, this letter writer wonders about finding love again. How can she be open to new relationships?
The method could be used to develop a blood test to identify inflammatory-bowel-disease patients most at risk.
Can pollution cause it? What about inflammation? And how do tumors spread? Here’s what scientists are learning about this complex disease.
Four in every 10 cancer patients treated with chemotherapy develop severe peripheral nerve pain, a new review suggests.
Dan Evans, 19, from Newark in Nottinghamshire, described his huge relief ringing the "cancer-free bell" at the teenage cancer ward at Nottingham City Hospital. Mr Evans underwent a successful stem cell transplant in June 2024 after his family said they pushed for access to a combination of cancer drugs on the NHS.
New research reveals disturbing links between alcohol and cancer, urging you to reconsider your health choices.
Following surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Ms Webster has been described in medical circles as a cancer "super-survivor". In March, when she marks five years since her diagnosis,
An accurate new blood test for colon cancer, the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in the US, has been reported.