Water Resources System Modeling and Design, Water Quality Modeling in Natural Systems, Hydrodynamic Modeling, and Advanced Groundwater Engineering and Remediation. Current Michigan Tech graduate ...
CEE 5504 - Water Quality Modeling in Natural Systems Application of mathematical modeling to water quality management. Models are developed to simulate natural phenomena, mass transport, and reaction ...
On Sept. 26, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) will honor citizens and organizations that have made significant contributions to water quality at its annual “Watershed ...
Clear Lake's water quality suffers from low-to-no-oxygen conditions, finds a report from UC Davis Tahoe Environmental ...
CS designed a low-cost technology that operators can adjust to release water from different depths in a reservoir.
Working with local researchers in Cambodia, we are investigating Tonle Sap Lake and its surrounding area to develop a hydraulic/water quality model (water environment analytical tool) for the lake and ...
Scientists pointed out that using the ADR model can help in creating strategies to monitor and detect potential threats in the quality of bodies of water. “One should consistently and ...