The Town of Ayden will temporarily change the disinfectant used in the water treatment process beginnongTown of AydenNEWS ...
Two Louisiana State senators have proposed a Bill that would stop water districts from adding fluoride to drinking water.
Two wells in the city were found to contain PFAS at levels above health-based guidance values for drinking water.
“You can’t taste, smell or see most contaminants, so testing is the only way to know how safe your water is,” said MDH Water ...
After the water began to turn brown, Kate Van Olst took her baby daughter to the pediatrician for a blood test and paid $400 ...
Tests taken during the time that drinking water requirements were violated did not indicate the presence of bacteria in the ...
Construction to start on $295 million El Paso Water plant that will purify sewage for new drinking water suppy to augment Rio ...
El Paso Water broke ground on the first U.S. facility that will treat wastewater for direct re-use in a city water supply, ...
By LAURA UNGAR When Tristen Boyer recently had a couple of cavities filled, her dentist suggested she get fluoride treatment ...
Water is safe to drink and poses no health threat, city officials say in letter to residents and business operators.