A sperm whale’s tooth can weigh more than two pounds and they are illegally trafficked to be used as decorations and for ...
Come January 1, 2026, in order to receive authorization to export their products to the US, foreign fisheries and nations ...
Together with her father, Michael, who drives the skiff, Douville upholds the millennia-old cultural practice of hunting sea ...
On a windswept beach near Haines, Tim Ackerman walks down a hill with a pair of gloves, a knife, and a bottle of Dawn dish ...
The president wants to convene the rarely used panel, which has the power to carve out exemptions to the Endangered Species ...
The U.S. is set to ban seafood imports from countries that don’t work to minimize accidentally catching dolphins, whales, and ...
Ackerman refers to local killer whale pods in two distinct groups: the ones he calls “meat eaters” and those that hunt ...
Indian research on marine mammal conservation for US compliance with MMPA, focusing on stock assessments and by-catch reduction strategies.