ANTWERP, Belgium (JTA ... “most of the Yiddin were in diamonds.” Those days are a memory now. Most of the low-skilled diamond cleaving jobs have been shipped off to India and elsewhere.
While Antwerp ... diamonds and diamonds into the European Union that were introduced in 2024, the Neue Zurcher Zeitung (NZZ) reports. The news outlet cites data from the Antwerp World Diamond ...
What's more, police say they have proof that diamonds found in Switzerland ... spokeswoman for the Antwerp World Diamond Center.
The diamond industry is facing a seismic shift, but not for the reasons you might think. While the rise of lab-grown diamonds ...
While the US is India’s largest diamond market, Belgium in ... operations,” the Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC) said in a release. Following the G7 ban on Russian diamonds, Botswana ...
Selling diamonds is easy with Diamond Brothers. The company regularly travels around the world to meet people who are thinking ... office is based in the easily accessed location of Antwerp in Belgium ...