While the animated series was officially created by Matt Groening, Simon co-developed “The Simpsons” and has remained ...
When not voicing Bonnie Swanson on Family Guy, Jennifer Tilly is reaping the benefits of another long-running animated sitcom ...
I was married to him for seven years. We were together for about 10 years, and then when we got divorced, I got a piece of ...
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Jennifer Tilly was awarded a hefty cut of her ex-husband’s residuals for The Simpsons, ...
Horror actor Jennifer Tilly has received a significant percentage of ‘The Simpsons’ royalties for the last 35 years ...
After the Bravo newcomer showed up to a group getaway carrying a $33,000 Louis Vuitton purse, she elaborated on her obvious ...
The actress revealed that she and Simon were married for seven years before they called it quits Jennifer Tilly is finding ...